Our Annual General Meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 30th June but obviously we can’t proceed with this normally as planned. Although more senior clubs with suitable resources are conducting an AGM by video conferencing, this is unfortunately not feasible for ourselves and our AGM has regrettably had to be cancelled. Upon the basis of no AGM, our Committee has decided that it is best that Club Officers and Committee personnel should remain unchanged unless either, any individual doesn’t wish to continue in the current role or that somebody new wishes to be nominated. To be clear, this doesn’t necessarily mean that there can’t be changes and nominations need to be sent by email to N.Sylvester@hotmail.co.uk. by Tuesday 23rd June. Any nominations must have consent of the nominee together with names of a Proposer and Seconder – all must be current club members.In the event that any voting becomes a necessity, we shall devise a suitable method.
There is currently one vacancy within “Other Committee” – although no requirement to fill this position, it is preferable that any nominee is a current player.
Current Club Officers & Officials:
President – David Thomas
Chairman. – Richard Cotterill
V-Chair. – Chris Thomas
Secretary – Nick Sylvester
Treasurer – Catherine Thomas
Captain – Ant Thomas
Asst. Treasurer – Joe Davidson
Fixture Sec. – Owen Rawlings
Social & Media – Andy Harris
CRFU Rep. – David Williams
Club Coach – Andy Day
Other Committee – Nathan Chapman, Andrew Stark & Ed Llewelyn