Right, so these are all a bit detailed but key points are:
- Cornwall 1 & 2 are playing in a combined league pre-Christmas – each team will play each of the other teams once (either home OR away).
- All Cornwall 1 & 2 combined league matches will be played by 18th December
- The separate Cornwall One and Cornwall Two leagues for the post-Christmas season will be announced on Monday 19th December.
- Cornwall One will be the top 8 clubs, and will play home and away fixtures to decide who goes up to the Cornwall & Devon league.
- Cornwall Two will be the bottom 7 clubs, and will play home and away fixtures.
- No points will carried over from the first half of the season to the second
- Fixtures for the second half of the season will be revealed by the 31st December.
Full details:
Modifications to the English Clubs Championships (ECC) Regulations
relating to the playing of league rugby at Level 9 and 10 in Cornwall
The regulations relating to the playing of league rugby in Cornwall 1&2 will be modified in so far as matches played at Level 9 & 10 (Cornwall 1 & 2 Leagues) (together “the modified leagues”) are concerned. The modified leagues are subject to all ECC Regulations in so far as these are not varied by or inconsistent with these Regulations.
The modifications are:
1. All players in the Cornwall leagues must be registered with their club in accordance with the Player Registration Regulations. Regulation 13.4.1 (b) applies and those players must be identified indicating their DOB on the match card.
2. If a team cannot justifiably field a front row then the match will proceed with uncontested scrums. No league points will be deducted from the offending team providing the fixture is honored.
3. Match result cards must be completed and posted to the South West Admin office in accordance with the SWDOC Administrative Instructions.
4. Clubs at level 9 & 10 may select up to six ( 6 ) Replacements, with up to Ten (10) interchanges.
5. All scheduled matches in the combined league must be played on or before Sunday 18th December 2016.
6. Any scheduled match in the Cornwall combined league that is cancelled for a weather related reason or non availability of a Referee may be rescheduled by the clubs involved but must be played on or before the Sunday 18th December 2016, if the rescheduled match is not played it will become Null And Void with no points awarded to either team. The SW Admin Office and your League Secretary must be informed of the rescheduled match date within Seven (7) days of the cancelled match.
7. If a scheduled match in the combined league is cancelled for any reason other than weather or a lack of referee these matches will not be rescheduled and the non offending club will be awarded five league points. The league secretary will decide if points will be deducted from the offending club. The points awarded to clubs in the combined league will not be carried forward to the second half of the season when the Cornwall One & Two leagues are formed.
8. On Monday 19th December 2016 the combined Cornwall league will be split the top eight (8) clubs will form the Cornwall One League and the bottom seven (7) will form the Cornwall Two League for the remainder of the 2016 / 17 season . Clubs in the Cornwall One League will play home and away fixtures to decide promotion to the Cornwall & Devon league. Clubs in Cornwall Two will also play home and away fixtures. Clubs in the Cornwall One & Two Leagues will receive their league fixtures by the 31st December 2016.
9. If a scheduled Cornwall One or Two match is cancelled because of weather or a lack of referee it will be rescheduled by the SW Admin office who will inform both clubs of the rescheduled match date.
If the rescheduled date clashes with a CB cup date the league match will take precedence.
10. If a scheduled Cornwall One or Two match is cancelled for any reason other than weather or lack of referee, the non offending club will be awarded five league points. The league secretary will decide if points will be deducted from the offending club.
11. If any club fails to complete 25% of their scheduled Cornwall One & Two league matches the clubs total league point’s will be expunged from the English Clubs league tables.
12. Clubs must inform the SW admin office and their league secretary by 3.30pm on the day of a match if a match in the Combined Cornwall league or the Cornwall One & Two League’s is cancelled for any reason, also the SW Admin must be informed of the match result by 5.30pm on the day of the match or within one hour of a match played at any other time by phone or text.
Otherwise, all existing England club championship regulations will apply.
Denis Preece
Cornwall One & Two League Secretary